- Content Removal
Please, take note of the iformation:
- The site is a search engine project specialized in porn content.
- All pictures you see here are auto taken stills from the images or the videos we don't own.
- Our rule is providing search services. We neither own videos or pictures nor produce them nor sell them.
- Videos or pictres that may be found here are the results of search operations, thus we have no control over them.
- Video or picture content is being updated automatically with all the corresponding information like titles, descriptions, tags etc.
- We don't support illegal content and keep track of legal content only.
- We draw your attention to the fact that we can't be held responsible for the third party content that you can find as a result of a search operation. It is your responsibility as a surfer who enters any search phrase.
- In case you find an inappropriate video or picture, your personal info or any kind of content that you believe should be removed do not hesitate to contact us, we'll see it to be removed from the site.